
Back, right where you started from

I have to laugh, because everything comes full circle.

A month and a half ago I was in so much hate with my job it wasn’t even funny. It was actually beginning to affect other aspects of my life, like my relationship with Steven. I got up every day and dreaded the next 9 hours ahead of me. The only thing that got me through the day was the sheer relief I knew I would feel as soon as I walked out the door. I didn’t really want to take the time to find a new job for a number of reasons. First, I’ve only held this current position for a little more than a year. It took me 9 months of searching to find this position alone. Embarking on another long and torturous quest for a new job that isn’t guaranteed to be any better than the current one seemed like an insurmountable task, a task that I did not want to take on at the moment. Second, I was only going to continue working full time until I got into grad school, and it didn’t seem worth it to find another job that would hopefully only last until next fall.

To calm myself down and quell some of my feelings of frustration, I took two sick days back in October (or “mental health” days, as I like to call them since I wasn’t actually sick) and hoped that would make me feel better. It did, and I’ve trudged through work week after week with little incident, knowing that this was only going to be temporary until I got into grad school. I didn’t even want to think about how devastating it would be if I didn’t get into grad school and was stuck with no other option than to continue working here.

Earlier this week I received an e-mail from my former supervisor from the job I held when I lived in Oshkosh. She has, in the three years since I left that job, on and off offered me, no practically begged me, to take the job back. I really, really like the job and everyone I worked with. The problem is that it’s in Oshkosh and I’m not. I would never consider moving back there, not to mention the fact that I’d be hard pressed to convince Steven to go back there with me. This e-mail, though, was to let me know that it’s now possible for the position to be done in Madison and that they wanted me back. I called and spoke to her that evening to let her know I was definitely interested. Here I was sitting at a job I despise, when this position just fell into my lap again. No long and painful job search required!

Former supervisor said she would work the boss man for me, and yesterday I spoke with him and the wheels are now in motion for me to go back. I can’t believe my life works like this some time. The best part is they know my plans for grad school, and they want me back regardless of if I plan on staying short term or long term.


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